Tag Archives: audrey hepburn



I have pushed boundaries for you.

Driven myself like a hostage way beyond my comfort zones to be with you.

Faced down inner demons who would deny my passage to the safe circle of your arms.

I have fought my doubts, wrestled my anxiety, laid siege to my crazy, hyperanalytical brain.

I have accepted circumstances.



Said too much. Not said enough. Played it cool.

Stuffed down my feelings.

Denied the truth in my heart.

I have been wounded.  I have bled tears.

I have walked away only to run back to you.

I have changed my way of being not to please you, but as a result of my experience knowing you.

And you have broken similar ground with me.

You keep your thoughts locked inside that quiet mind.  Your voice is found in action. Or inaction.

Your will stands toe to toe with mine. Unyielding. Both of us wanting something.

Not entirely sure what that something is.  But unable to let go until we find out.

At least, I’m unable to let go.  Are you?

I have stopped hiding. Behind the cool girl facade and ambivalent responses.  I am no longer hiding behind my cynicism, my past or my fears.

I have removed my mask.

Do you have the courage to step out from behind your mask?

Do you have the courage to love me completely? Unabashedly? Fearlessly?

I believe you do. I hope you try.

You will not find a controlling thumb once you let the defenses around your heart down for me.

You will find freedom. Adventure. Sanctuary.  Loyalty that has no rival.

But it takes a tremendous leap of faith.

Does the Lion himself possess the courage to place his hand inside the mouth of the Lioness?

If you do not, then walk away.

If you can not love me as I do, every bit my equal, then you must let go.  Set me free so I can find my pride.

For I have no use for a kitten beside me.

I need a Lion.


Filed under Erotica